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Tummy Tuck

Smart Lipo San Diego & Liposculpture In San Diego at Clinique Sculpture

William Seare M.D. – Tummy Tuck Photos

Tummy Tuck San Diego Helps Your Own Efforts at Clinique Sculpture

Dr. Seare knows tummy tuck procedures very well.  He practiced in Salt Lake City, Utah for 25 years where there were very large families and therefore many mothers who could benefit greatly from a tummy tuck. He has performed hundreds of tummy tucks over the years.
Our Amazing “Around the Torso” Lipo with a “Mini’ Tummy Tuck with a Lateral Extension.  Dr. Seare is very excited about a new combination of procedures he has developed, resulting in amazing transformations with very low risks because of “awake anesthesia”, quick recoveries, no scars around the belly button and removal of up to 90% of the fat around the torso (“around the world” torso procedure”) A narrow scar is placed very low and is easily hidden in the bikini line.  In his practice, he has found that the need for a “full” tummy tuck is rarely needed. This new procedure is much safer, less costly, has a quicker recovery and produces a superior aesthetic figure with a lower complication rate.  Check out our photos under  – Before and After Photos – Tummy Tuck!

Term: Abdominoplasty
Synonyms:  Tummy tuck, belly or tummy tightening, and belly or tummy skin removal

Definition:  – Abdominoplasty is the medical term used to describe a variety of procedures that are performed to rejuvenate and transform the front of the abdomen, usually for women who have lost weight, born children or have very lax abdominal skin from medical conditions, but occasionally for men and women who have had a large weight loss or lax skin through very aggressive liposculpture with a large amount of fat.
Discussion about Tummy Tucks: – We believe that the traditional tummy tuck is an outdated, expensive and somewhat dangerous procedure especially when performed with traditional general anesthesia.  Because the flap of skin that is left behind is almost completely separated from the muscles and fascia.
Patient Population Considering Abdominoplasty: – Most people considering a surgical correction to remove fat and/or loose skin have tried many ways to get this area under control, and failed. Diet and exercise just doesn’t work to reverse the medical changes that occur in these patients. This is because there are changes that occur in the body, and specifically in the fat and the skin when one has become overweight, pregnant, multiple pregnancies, or with very stretchable skin, even if the weight is then lost, or partially lost through diet and exercise, or the mother give birth to the baby.
Skin Stretching: – Unfortunately, skin that has been overstretched for a period of time or with repetitive stretching cycles, with or without the production of stretch marks, rarely contracts back to the pre-stretched condition, because the collagen within the skin becomes permanently stretched and also additional skin is actually manufactured. We use this phenomenon, usefully for tissue expanders for breast reconstruction. With increasing age, smoking, poor nutrition (like cyclical diet and over-eating) and other risk factors, the elasticity of the skin decreases, resulting in permanent stretching or enlargement of the skin.

Lipodystrophy fat, on the other hand, is fat that is genetically triggered by many factors such as increasing age, stress with its secretion of cortisol, over-eating followed by dieting repeatedly, and with triggers we still don’t understand. With lipodystrophy fat, diet and exercise just doesn’t work.  A person tends to turn into one of his ancestors and this fat was a huge selective advantage to them providing for food storage during famines, thermal insulation during cold periods, and internal armor protection. Today we have few famines in our society, but we definitely have stress. So the fat can sometimes be held in check, but with the slightest assault such as an injury with no exercise, or a divorce with incredible stress, it will continue to grow out of proportion with the general body fat. 

Call Us For a Free Consultation:  We offer a free one-hour consultation where we listen to what areas you would like to change and your goals for your transformation, we evaluate and discuss those areas including photos on TouchMD where we can show you the specific things we are going to change, and we give you a firm quote for your procedures and offer you your financing options.


Our Mini-Tummy Tuck with a Lateral Extension:– This procedure is very different from the way most tummy tucks are done.  Doctor Seare practiced for over 25 years in Salt Lake City, Utah where there are very large families.  One patient having a tummy-tuck actually had had 14 children, so he knows tummy-tucks and its variations very well.
General Procedure Length– The Length For Our Procedures for our Tummy tuck in San Diego At Clinique Lipo is generally much shorter than at other facilities and with other doctors.  We exclusively “awake anesthesia” to perform your surgery because it is extremely safe and cost effective. Depending on the number of areas you, which you choose to have lipo-sculptured, and the type of procedure you choose for your transformation, our procedures can take from two to eight hours.
Procedure Types:– There are basically three variants of Tummy Tucks we perform.
Full Tummy Tuck:– This is the traditional tummy tuck procedure where a tapering strip of skin is removed from just above the belly button about 3-6 inches wide (toward the pubis) and usually extending to the side of the body in the hip region typically 30-33 centimeters. There is always a need to relocate the belly button upward to its normal position requiring and umbilicalplasty where the belly button is sutured into the new position. The nice thing about this procedure is that it is rarely needed with the newest techniques we use, no lipo needs to be done and the stomach muscles that may be stretched especially with pregnancy, can be re-tightened into a normal position without additional scars. The bad things about the full tummy tucks are there is a scar around the belly button that can be very visible and it is many times hard to create a natural looking belly button. The horizontal abdominoplasty incision is relatively high and cannot be concealed with a bikini, most lingerie or even grannie pants, and because of the unrestricted tension from separating the skin from the muscle and fascia, the scar usually thickens and widens even with the best plastic surgery technique. Also the full revascularization and interruption of the lymphatics creates long-term swelling of the skin and this larger procedure has a much greater recovery of up to three months, many times requires post-surgical hospitalization, and should most times be performed in a full operating room under general anesthesia. Also only a little lipo can be done because of the risk of skin loss with the necessary full skin release to stretch it downward.

Recovery Process:  Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time. As the body recuperates, the patient can expect some swelling, pain, and discomfort. If you had both liposuction and tummy tuck, recovery is extended. Medication can be prescribed to relieve any pain caused by the procedure. The stitches will be removed shortly after the surgery depending on the procedure(s) involved. Normal activities can generally be resumed within two weeks. It may take up to a year for the body to completely adept to the new abdominal configuration. With proper diet and exercise the striking results of the surgery will be long lasting.

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Before & After